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Hellfire Peninsula Zangarmarsh Terokkar Forest Nagrand
Blade's Edge Mountains Netherstorm Shadowmoon Valley  

Hellfire Peninsula: History: People and culture: Geography:
Capital Hellfire Citadel
Population Uknown
Races Demon
Fel Orc
Felblood elf
Blood Elf
Jungle Troll
Broken Draenei
Government Democracy
Rulers Warchief Kargath Bladefist
Doom Lord Kazzak
Major Settlements Honor Hold
Hellfire Peninsula is one of the surviving parts of Draenor. It is a pivotal area of Outland that has been the location of many of the most brutal battles in Warcraft history. This is where the other side of the Dark Portal is located. Two of its past cities include Hellfire Citadel and Zeth'kur. As its name implies, Hellfire Peninsula is a grim place. In regards to topography, well, there isn't much. Aesthetically, the ground looks like it does in Durotar: reddish in hue, and hard-packed. There is one key exception, though — when you travel on the ground, you note bones cracking and shattering beneath your feet. These would be the remains of the countless draenei that the blood-crazed orcs systematically slaughtered prior to bringing their war to Azeroth. Hellfire Peninsula — indeed, most of areas that Burning Crusade introduced — is much larger than what classic WoW players are used to. Part of the motive for this is to justify the relative speeds at which flying mounts travel.

Hellfire Peninsula was originally part of the world of Draenor before it was torn apart by Ner'zhul's dimensional portals, becoming Outland. The peninsula remains mostly intact, although parts of it can be seen floating above and outside in the form of smallish islands. It was also the site of one of the bloodiest battles since the end of the Second War, the Battle of the Hellfire Peninsula - where Khadgar and the Alliance Expedition battled Ner'zhul, Warchief of the Horde of Draenor, in his mad bid to open portals to other worlds to conquer - the portals that tore the planet apart. This resulted in the sealing of the Dark Portal; for fifteen years, the fates of every member of the Alliance Expedition remained unknown, until the Portal was reopened... says the following about the Hellfire Peninsula: "Once a lush and verdant land, Hellfire Peninsula is now a dry, barren wasteland rendered lifeless by the dark practices of orc warlocks. It is here that the Dark Portal stands, cementing the peninsula's place in history as the site of many pitched battles between the Alliance and Horde. The nefarious Burning Legion has gathered here also, using the area as a staging ground for its apocalyptic crusade."

People and culture:

Hellfire Peninsula is a barren wasteland looking like a cross between the Blasted Lands and Tanaris. Accessing the Dark Portal (the minimum level to pass through is 58) to Hellfire Peninsula is the most common way to reach Outland for the first time; thus, it is typically the first zone encountered in the 60+ content of the Burning Crusade.
Zangarmarsh: History: People and culture: Geography:
Capital Coilfang Reservoir
Population Unknown
Races Naga
Night Elf
Jungle Troll
Broken Draenei
Lost Ones
Ruler Lady Vashj
Major Settlements Cenarion Refuge
Ango'rosh Stronghold
Zangarmarsh is a hauntingly beautiful swamp covered with a forest of giant mushrooms. Though largely teeming with life, sections of the swamp have begun to die of late, and the sapient fungi of the region seek help in returning it to life. This zone is located in Outland to the west of Hellfire Peninsula. The marshes are the home of myriad varieties of predatory invertebrates and flora, including Fungal Giants, Spore Bats, and Spore Walkers.

History: says the following about the Zangarmarsh: "Zangarmarsh is a tranquil area that has largely evaded the demonic influence. The marsh's innumerable lakes and pools are clean of any taint, and most native animals and fungi give off soothing phosphorescent light. Only recently has the area's self-contained ecology faltered. Something is causing the water levels to drop. The marsh's giant mushrooms are dying, as are the creatures that rely upon the mushrooms for food." Not very much is known about the past history of Zangarmarsh as it was not mentioned in Warcraft II. It does not even appear on the map of Draenor. In Rise of the Horde, it is described as the place where Velen and his surviving followers hid after the orcish genocide and waited until their raid on the Exodar; it was also where Akama led his own followers in the trailer to Patch 2.1.

People and culture:

Zangarmarsh consists of a large expanse of swamp land, bordered by mountains to the north, south, and to some extent the east. A long stretch of coastline forms the western edge of the zone. Giant mushrooms are the characteristic feature of the area, towering above the pools of marsh water like great trees. Zangarmarsh contains four instances all located in the Coilfang Reservoir, one of which is a 25-man raid. This area has no battlegrounds or micro dungeons, but has a world PvP zone for a graveyard nearest to the Coilfang Reservoir entry.
Terokkar Forest: History: People and culture: Geography:
Capital Shattrath City
Population Unknown
Races Arrakoa
Blood Elf
High Elf
Fel Orc
Lost Ones
Ruler Terokk
Major Settlements Skettis
Allerian Stronghold
Stonebreaker Hold
Firewing Point
Terokkar Forest is a zone in Outland located east of Nagrand, west of Shadowmoon Valley, southeast of Zangarmarsh, and southwest of Hellfire Peninsula. This forest was most likely named after Terokk, an arakkoa demigod of some sort. Terokkar was seen as the Bone Wastes in previous maps and lore sources, but the Bone Wastes themselves are now a sub-region within the Terokkar Forest zone (in fact probably not the same Bone Wastes, as the current one was created only two years ago, according to ingame lore). May be one of the "Green Havens" replanted by druids to be like it was before the Horde necromancy and fel magic corrupted the land.

Terokkar is most famous for the Bone Wastes and the ruined fortress of Auchindoun. says the following about the Terokkar Forest: "New hope has come to this ancient forest. Aided by the benevolent naaru, a group of draenei has rebuilt Shattrath City. The city has since thrown open its doors to welcome refugees of many different races from all over Outland. Yet the past has not left this area unmarked. To this day, only adventurers and graverobbers visit the haunted subterranean ruins of Auchindoun."

People and culture:

The flora consists of mostly dark green forest vegetation of crystal pines known as olemba trees. Shattrath City lies in the northwestern portion of zone. Alliance and Horde each have a town. The multi-winged instance Auchindoun can be found in this zone, containing four separate 5-man dungeons. There are no raid dungeons, micro dungeons, battlegrounds, or arenas in this zone. The spirit towers of the Bone Wastes provide a world PvP opportunity. Every so often you can hear a roar while near Auchindoun - this is Teribus the Cursed, flying in circles around Auchindoun.
Nagrand: History: People and culture: Geography:
Population Unknown
Races Broken Draenei
Blood Elf
Major Settlements Garadar
Kil'sorrow Fortress
Nagrand is a Burning Crusade Zone located in Outland. It lies south of Zangarmarsh, west of Terokkar Forest, and southwest of Hellfire Peninsula. It is the last remaining unscarred region of Outland. In the center of the zone is the neutral town of Halaa, which can be captured by either faction. Whoever holds it will have access to a mass of amenities including active quest givers, NPCs who accept turn-ins acquired from the zone's monsters, vendors, trainers and the like. The opposing faction, naturally, is locked out of all this, which is precisely why they will be laying siege to it around the clock. See the World PvP section below for more information.

Nagrand - orcish for "Land of Winds" - was formerly the homeland of the Frostwolf clan, and the meeting grounds of the orcish people, where the Kosh'harg celebrations were held twice every year. The clans would assemble at the base of their sacred mountain, Oshu'gun, and give thanks to the spirits. During the war against the draenei, the Prophet Velen and a retinue of priests made their way to Oshu'gun - the vessel that brought them to Draenor - where they were taken prisoner by Durotan and the Frostwolf Clan, and eventually released (Durotan's reasoning being that the draenei allowed themselves to be taken prisoner, therefore there was no honor in holding them). When the elements abandoned the orcish people, it was here - again, in the shadow of Oshu'gun - that Gul'dan introduced the orcish people to warlock magics. Today the Mag'har, the orcs who did not partake of the blood of Mannoroth and cut themselves off from the other corrupted clans, make their home here, as do the Kurenai, Broken draenei seeking to find their destiny. Nagrand was one of the first locations to show the signs of corruption from released fel magics including desiccation by long droughts, fertile soil turned to dust and sand that would not hold grasses or crops, and the acrid odor similar to something burning. However, having largely escaped the severity of corruption seen elsewhere in the world, it became known as Mag'har, "uncorrupted". It remained one of the few places in the world (along with Fields of Farahlon and portions of Terokkar Forest) that looked largely as they did before the corruption of the world. says the following about Nagrand: "Nagrand is the last unscarred region in Outland. It is the ancestral home of the orcs and the heart of early orcish shamanism. Today it is a fertile retreat where elementals commune with mortals on a regular basis. Marauding ogres from the Blade's Edge Mountains, meaning to claim the territory as their own, currently pose the greatest threat to this unspoiled reserve."

People and culture:

Green and yellow grassy plains, reminding one a bit of Mulgore and/or the Barrens. Pink-channeled sky. Although the geography of the Barrens is of the same type (a savannah), Nagrand is greener and has a minor amount of wetland in places, as well as an overall higher presence of water. The zone's background music implies a mood of reverence, solemnity, and a certain amount of sorrow at its now somewhat broken nature. The music contains a direct quote from the recitative part of the aria "O Zittre Nicht" from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera, The Magic Flute. Nagrand was covered by snow during Draenor's winters (although its unclear if Outland still has regular seasons). There are no dungeons or battlegrounds in Nagrand. However, there is plenty of opportunity for combat: the city of Halaa is constantly under siege from one faction or the other, and the Ring of Trials arena frequently sees heated gladiatorial battles.
Blade's Edge Mountains: History: People and culture: Geography:
Capital Gruul's Lair
Population Unknown
Races Ogre
Night Elf
Black Dragonflight
Ruler Gruul the Dragonkiller
Major Settlements Thunderlord Stronghold
Bladespire Hold
Blade's Edge Mountains is a region full of knife-sharp mountain crags and axe-cut valleys. The green glow in the sky is part of the twisting nether - a floating energy that affects the remains of Outland and binds it together in a suspended phase. The mountains are inhabited by humanoidal Rock Flayers and a substantial population of ogres. This zone is located to the north of Zangarmarsh and to the west of Netherstorm. Likely contains some of the so called "Green Havens". The zone has three distinct terrain types, it's rocky valley, forested slopes, and barren plateau summits. Using this definition, the zone has four "mountains" that are interconnected.

When the human armies invaded, Mogor of the Laughing Skull Clan of ogres sided with them in exchange for the dominance of his Clan in the Blade's Edge Mountains. says the following about the Blade's Edge Mountains: "The harsh winds that rip through the canyons of Blade's Edge have, over time, worn the bordering escarpments into menacing, dagger-like spikes that lend the region to its name. This foreboding realm is also the homeland of the brutish ogres, who wage constant, fierce battles against one another to gain the favor of their merciless gronn masters."

People and culture:

Netherstorm: History: People and culture: Geography:
Capital Tempest Keep
Population Unknown
Races Blood Elf
Netherwing Dragonflight
Ruler Kael'thas Sunstrider
Major Settlements Area 52
Netherstorm is a zone in northeastern Outland consisting of several large land fragments and countless smaller shards of rock all floating in the Twisting Nether. The region is locked in a constant magical storm. The Netherstorm is in a constant state of deterioration -- the magical storm that is the zone's namesake is slowly tearing apart the fabric of reality bridging the gap between the physical world and the Twisting Nether. Magical lightning arcs across the skies within a thick haze of violet cloud and bands of pure magical energy wrap their way across the sky. Some of its wild creatures include nether rays, mana wyrms, and colossi. Several areas of the region have been influenced by goblins who perform research and experiments in the unique environment. Signs of their influence can be seen on the architecture of bridges and sign posts. They have erected a major base in the form of Area 52 on the southwestern island, and another smaller base in the east called Cosmowrench. Five tremendous manaforges have been strategically built across the Netherstorm, siphoning mana from the Twisting Nether itself to be used to some insidious purpose by the blood elves led by Kael'thas. The Netherstorm is home to two bands of ethereals named the Consortium and the Protectorate. Their main outposts are at the Stormspire and the Protectorate Watch Post respectively. Great magical domes constructed by the ethereals dominate the view from nearly any point in the region. Within these domes, the ethereals work to preserve an environment that is to the liking of their flesh-based clients. The Burning Legion has also taken a stake in the zone. They have established two principle bases, Forge Base: Oblivion and Forge Base: Gehenna and have overrun the Arklon and Farahlon Ruins. Their representatives can also be found nearly anywhere that Kael'thas' blood elves exist, namely the Mana Forges spread across the region. The Eye of the Storm is a battleground that is theoretically situated within the zone.

The region of Netherstorm was a verdant open range called the Fields of Farahlon until Draenor was ripped apart by Ner'zhul's dimensional portals. It used to be where the Laughing Skull Clan had their holdings, but when the Dark Portal collapsed, the land was torn apart, and is now a series of suspended islands floating loosely in the Twisting Nether. The problem has been further exacerbated by the Mana Forges. The more pure energy the Forges produce, the more unstable the region becomes. If the Forges are not dealt with soon, the entirety of Outland may be completely destroyed. says the following about the Netherstorm: "The region of Netherstorm was a verdant open range called the Fields of Farahlon until Draenor was ripped apart. Normally imperceptible to mortals, the Twisting Nether bled into the physical realm and unleashed a tumultuous arcane storm that warped the surrounding territory. The blood elves are now using the technology of a captured naaru vessel to harness the storm's magic, further compromising the already unstable land."

People and culture:

The region known as the Netherstorm is comprised of the lands situated on seven relatively large floating islands and thousands of smaller rock fragments interspersed amongst them, which are the remnants of the once-lush Fields of Farahlon. The original color of the rock is unknown, but since the deterioration of the land began, the bedrock and soil have assumed a sickly purple color that supports absolutely no plant life (barring netherbloom). As the original land mass was ripped apart and warped into its current state, great fissures opened and jagged, lopsided spires and platforms of rock were thrust upward. Like many other regions of Outland, great floating islands hover unnaturally above the landscape, some found spinning listlessly hundreds of feet above the surface. By land, the Netherstorm can only be entered by crossing the goblin-built Gyro-Plank Bridge which spans the gap between the eastern border of the Blade's Edge Mountains and the Netherstorm's westernmost island. A short hike down the road from the bridge leads to the goblin outpost of Area 52 where the goblins under Rocket-Chief Fuselage work to perfect their nether rocket technology. Several draenei ruins also populate the region. The Ruins of Enkaat lie to the northwest of Area 52 and are inhabited by the restless spirits of fallen draenei who once lived there. The Arklon Ruins further to the east are inhabited by demons of the Burning Legion hunting for draenei artifacts of power. In the far north of the Netherstorm lie the Ruins of Farahlon, also infested with powerful demons. The Burning Legion has several holding in the region in addition to the draenei ruins. Forge Bases: Gehenna and Oblivion, dedicated to the construction of monstrous Fel Reavers see scores of demons working furiously to construct the reavers. Invasion Point: Overlord and Invasion Point: Destroyer are sites dedicated to the summoning of powerful demonic reinforcements. The Legion's commander in the region, Socrethar, has taken over the entirety of the smallest of the major islands in the northwest. The island has gained the name Socrethar's Seat as a result. On the northeastern side of the northeast island lies the Celestial Ridge, a great forest of arcane crystals and nesting grounds for a large number of nether dragons of the Netherwing faction. On the eastern side of the southernmost island is the human settlement Kirin'Var Village. Built as a base for many of the Kirin Tor mages that came through the Dark Portal at the conclusion of the Second War, it is now inhabited only by ghosts and strange magical apparitions. One of the most notable features of the land are the five Manaforges scattered across the floating archipelago. Constructed by the forces of Kael'thas using naaru technology discovered in Tempest Keep, these abominable devices provide a potent source of arcane power to fuel Kael's insidious plans. Of the five, four of the Manaforges (Ara, Coruu, B'naar, and Duro) are operational and garrisoned by the Sunfury blood elves and a scattering of the Legion's demons. The fifth; Manaforge Ultris, has been destroyed and infested by shadowy void creatures. Two rival ethereal bands: the Ethereum and the Protectorate, vie for the rights to the potential profits that might be reaped from such a disaster. Great tube-like conduits that span the region channel the energies amassed by the Manaforges to Kael's seat of Tempest Keep in the east. Finally, in the central and northern regions of the Netherstorm are the holdings of the ethereals of the Consortium. There they have constructed massive arcane domes inside of which they have engineered conditions favorable to plants and animals that could never survive in the Netherstorm otherwise. Known as Eco-Domes, they serve as lush oases in the arcane desert surrounding them. The southernmost, Midrealm, is home to creatures such as lynx, moths, and crocolisks. To the immediate north is the largest in the region, consisting of three conjoined eco-domes. Eco-domes Sutheron and Skyperch flank the Stormspire to the north and south. Adopting a series of draenei ruins atop a tall cliff, the ethereals have made the Stormspire the center of all Consortium activity in the Netherstorm and indeed in all of Outland. North of the Stormspire is the smallest of the domes, Eco-Dome Farfield. It is uninhabited by ethereals, but is home to several varieties of exotic dinosaurs.
Shadowmoon Valley: History: People and culture: Geography:
Capital Black Temple
Population Unknown
Races Demon
Fel Orc
Blood Elf
Wildhammer Dwarf
Netherwing Dragonflight
Ruler Illidan Stormrage
Major Settlements Wildhammer Stronghold
Legion Hold
Shadowmoon Village
Dragonmaw Fortress
Shadowmoon Valley is found in southeastern Outland, east of Terokkar Forest. It is the location of the Black Temple (where Illidan Stormrage resides), and also houses a dwarven settlement named after (and led by) Kurdran Wildhammer, as well as the prison where Illidan's former jailor, Maiev Shadowsong, is held captive.

In addition to being the location of Illidan's Black Temple, the region gave name to Ner'zhul's Shadowmoon Clan, who once had their holdings there. Prior to destruction of Draenor, the north shore of the region was known as the Skeletal Coast. says the following about the Shadowmoon Valley: "This valley is a grim spectacle of demonic magic run amok. Day and night, molten fel energy erupts from the land and lights the sky with bilious green flame. To the east lies the Black Temple, Illidan Stormrage's seat of power. With the Dark Portal reopened, Illidan and his allies struggle to hold off Legion reinforcements and keep all other Outland portals closed."

People and culture:

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