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Borean Tundra: |
History: |
People and culture: |
Geography: |
Capital |
Kaskal (12,500) |
Population |
28,500 |
Races |
Tuskarr (22,800)
Ice Troll, Drakkari (2,850)
Naga (2,280)
Blue Dragonflight (285)
Scourge (285)
Murloc |
Government |
Tribal |
Ruler |
Tusklord Hrak'kar |
Major Settlements |
Riplash Ruins (3,000) |
The Borean Tundra (pronounced BOHR-ian, not boh-REHH-an) is located in the far western edge of Northrend, and is the home of the tuskarr, Drakkari trolls, and blue dragons. The Undead Scourge and the naga also inhabit the zone. Important landmarks of the region include the tuskarr capital of Kaskala and the Riplash Ruins. Coldarra is an island just off the coast. Kaskala is currently under siege and the tuskarr have moved to Unu'pe. Most of the Borean Tundra is empty ice. Tuskarr are the dominant presence in the Borean Tundra. However, they keep near their villages, and one can go for days without seeing another living creature. Tuskarr mainly care about fishing, whaling and protecting their villages. Tuskarr will fend off hungry Drakkari, and even fight wayward nerubians, and are formidable foes; but they never attack anyone without a good reason. Drakkari wander the tundra, but not in any significant numbers, most are content to roam alone or in small packs. They have no city in the tundra, but live in several camps, none big enough to have names. They harass the tuskarr from time to time, but every time the tuskarr gather their forces and send the Drakkari running. Nerubians wander about as well, but only in small packs. Naga live near the south end, in the Riplash Ruins. Sometimes blue dragons from Coldarra also fly over the tundra from time to time. Scourge scouts straggle over from the lake area. The Borean Tundra is not an important part of Northrend. It’s too isolated and too barren to be desirable and has too much shoreline to be defensible. Tuskarr like it because of that expansive shore, and the Riplash Ruins gives the naga a perfect view of anyone approaching across the ocean from the south. Drakkari hunt here because they can and because the tundra provides little cover for wildlife. Most others stay well away, preferring the forested areas to the east. Borean Tundra contains bases of both factions, and won't have an emphasis for a specific faction. There will be a port between Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord that uses a giant turtle with a deck on its back as a quick means to travel between the 2 starting zones. There will be a murloc faction that opens up after some quests for D.E.H.T.A.. The murlocs can actually talk and repair your equipment. They also have quests against an infected camp across the cove.
The nerubians were in the Borean Tundra first, according to the ruins. However, the ruins may be parts of Azjol-Nerub that were thrust up from underground, though, unless it was an experiment to see if they could be comfortable living above ground. If the latter is the case it may have failed, since it is a ruin. The tuskarr were next — Kaskala’s oldest village is at least several centuries old, and the rest grew up around it as family members split off to start their own smaller families. The Drakkari are more recent additions to the area and have no fixed settlement. The Scourge rarely appears, and its agents never stay longer than it takes to patrol and look for potential dangers or new recruits. In World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, the Horde has established the settlement of Warsong Hold under the command of the Mag'hari son of Grom, Garrosh Hellscream. The Horde has created a pact with the local and culturally similar Tuskarr, who are under siege from naga based at the Riplash Ruins. These naga intend to use their generators to melt the surrounding ice caps. Garrosh and his forces have also discovered the enigmatic taunka, an ancient offshoot of the tauren race thought to be lost forever.
People and culture:
The Borean Tundra is wide, flat, and cold. The landscape varies greatly. Hard but farmable soil in the south lead to nourishing steam pools in the middle. Along the west edge, nasty cliffs rise up and then shear off into the Westrift. The north is home to grasslands and an area of steep hills. The east is snow-covered and the most brutal this area has to offer. At its northeast edge the tundra runs into the mountain range of Lake Wintergrasp, a vast frozen lake that effectively shields it from the Dragonblight and Icecrown Glacier. The only way to reach these areas overland is across the mountains bordering the Dragonblight or through the Sholazar Basin, neither which are easy. An army would be suicidal to attempt either. Not many plants can survive up here. Without any cover the wind is fierce enough to tear flesh, and people can barely hear themselves when they shout. A few trees manage to hang on, evergreens, but the small twisted kind rather than the tall proud ones out east. Wolves and rabbits and foxes and even bears, roam this area. However, most of the life is in the water. To the northwest, one can see the high plateau of Coldarra. It is high enough to be blanketed in snow year round. Lately, rumblings have shaken the earth around the lone island. Geologists are concerned with the appearance of rifts in the crust and worry that a massive earthquake could tear Coldarra apart. This would have massive repercussions on the stability of Borean Tundra and possibly Northrend itself. This is the longest region in Northrend, running from its southwest tip up to Lake Wintergrasp. The ground here is more dirt than rock, and small trees and scrub dot the landscape. But everything is still frozen solid. The tundra avoided most of Northrend’s problems for awhile, but the Scourge have been sighted fortifying holdings in the northeast. Perhaps the Borean Tundra owes its fortune to its relative isolation. Access to the land can be found along its southern edge through the ocean. Warsong Hold has a zeppelin tower connecting it to Orgrimmar and to Vengeance Landing in Howling Fjord, and Valiance Keep has a dock connecting it to Stormwind City. |
Howling Fjord: |
History: |
People and culture: |
Geography: |
Capital |
Valgarde (5,000) |
Population |
11,000 |
Races |
Human (6,600)
Ironforge dwarf (3,300)
Ice Troll, Drakkari (550)
Furbolg (550)
Half Elf
Vrykul |
Government |
Town Council |
Ruler |
Magistrate Randalvarr |
Howling Fjord is a zone located in southeastern Northrend. Its southern coast forms Daggercap Bay, where the forces of Arthas originally landed on the continent. Stranded by the young prince, the 5,000-strong expedition set up the outpost of Valgarde. The small settlement has since become the center of Alliance activity on Northrend. The majestic fortress known as Utgarde is located in the center of this zone; it is a dungeon complex and one of its sections, Utgarde Keep, is one of the two first instances (the other one being the Nexus) that players encounter when first arriving to Northrend. Howling Fjord contains bases of both factions and does not have a faction-specific emphasis. From the tuskarr settlement of Kamagua on the Isle of Spears, located off the southwestern coast, there is a giant turtle vessel able to transport players to Moa'ki Harbor in the Dragonblight and from there on to Unu'pe in the Borean Tundra. Howling Fjord has dark forests, open plains, treacherous rocks, and what used to be the only city — and port — on the continent. The north edge of the Howling Fjord has low hills and thick forest. The land smooths out to the south, however, and the trees fade back, to be replaced by grain and a few hardy fruits and vegetables. Daggercap Bay dominates the southern end, which is all rock. Most people live in Valgarde or in a semicircle above it. The fjord has its share of wildlife. Bears, wolves and other creatures prowl the forests, and small animals sneak through the farmland as well. Birds roost in the trees and steal grain and seeds, and the warmer climate and rich soil draws insects and other vermin as well. Howling Fjord received its name because the wind that races in from the sea on all three sides produces a constant howl, like a maddened beast seeking its prey. Other than the noise, Howling Fjord is pleasant. It’s not as heavily forested as the Grizzly Hills, or as hilly, but the temperature here is a little milder; between that and the flatter terrain it’s an ideal place to grow grain and other crops. Small farms dot the landscape, particularly down south near Valgarde. To the north the trees begin again, and creatures roam there from the hills above, making it more dangerous but also an excellent place for hunters. This is the only region in Northrend that was dominated by humans and dwarves. That’s entirely because of Valgarde, however — without that city it would be an even match between those humans and dwarves and the Drakkari and the furbolgs, not to mention the murlocs as well. Almost everyone lives in Valgarde. The exceptions are the farmers, who have their thickwalled farmhouses by their fields, and the hunters and trappers, who live in small camps among the trees and come south only to trade or sell. This region is also the only Alliance-dominated region in Northrend. The Howling Fjord really is Alliance territory, though, and here the Drakkari and even the furbolgs are the ones at risk. Recently, the vrykul have appeared and the Forsaken have built a city contesting the region's Alliance territory status.
Howling Fjord was a favorite on Northrend from the first time explorers reached the continent through Daggercap Bay. The natural harbor provided an ideal launching point for expeditions throughout the continent. After the Lich King arrived, the Scourge swept across the continent, conquering its races and claiming many of the towns and citadels. During the Third War, Prince Arthas of Lordaeron arrived with soldiers to destroy the dreadlord Mal'Ganis and punish him for the plague unleashed in Lordaeron. Arthas and the noble Muradin Bronzebeard joined forces against Mal’Ganis, then thought to be the Lich King's lackey. When Arthas’s father summoned him home again, the prince responded by burning his own ships, thus forcing his men to stay and fight. He obtained the cursed sword Frostmourne in the nearby region of Dragonblight, killing Muradin in the process, and defeated Mal’Ganis but lost his soul to the Lich King as a result. Arthas staggered away alone after the battle, and his men were left behind, stranded on Northrend. These humans and dwarves founded Valgarde. They also built the fortifications that protect it to this day. As Valgarde grew, its residents forced the Drakkari and furbolgs back into the Grizzly Hills and beyond, making the region safe enough for brave farmers to till the land. In Wrath of the Lich King, the settlers of Valgarde have to deal with newly reawakened vrykul warriors, who raid them from their home of Utgarde Keep. In addition, Ironforge prospectors have discovered a new race of iron dwarves which may hint to their own ancient origins. Finally, the Forsaken have settled here and engineered a new plague, ready to strike at the Lich King. Their main settlements are Vengeance Landing and the town of New Agamand, named after the famous mills family which once lived in the Tirisfal Glades.
People and culture:
For the Alliance, there is a boat port connecting the town of Valgarde with Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands. For the Horde, a zeppelin (served by what is unquestionably the most annoying-to-ascend zeppelin tower ever designed) connects the town of Vengeance Landing with Undercity in Tirisfal Glades. |
Dragonblight: |
History: |
People and culture: |
Geography: |
Population |
800 |
Races |
Nerubian (400)
Tauren (160)
Scourge (160)
Blue Dragonflight (80) |
Minor Settlements |
Icemist Village (160) |
The Dragonblight, aka Great Dragonblight, is a graveyard of dragons located in Northrend. The entrance to the Nerubian kingdom of Azjol-Nerub can be found in the west, while the mysterious Wyrmrest Temple resides in the south. The magnataur village of Bloodmar lies here also, as well as the ruined taunka capital of Icemist Village, and the nerubian conclave of Sundered Monolith. The bones are zealously guarded by Malygos and his blue dragonflight, but the rise of the Lich King and the Scourge allowed the undead to claim many sets of bones from the graveyard and use them to create frost wyrms for the Scourge forces. The Dragonblight was also the home of the first humans to fall victim to the Plague.
Once this region was a thriving land, the most fertile in Northrend after the Sholazar Basin. That was long ago. Now it is a vast wasteland where even the snow and ice seem drained. Most of the Dragonblight is a single enormous valley. And it’s filled with bodies of dragons. Ailing and old dragons, from every dragonflight, from all over the world, come here to die. The ground is littered with dragons of all colors. Black and red and green and blue and bronze, they all lie here together, all their differences set aside in death. The mightiest creatures in the world, laid low by age and illness and attack. The land has never recovered, and never will. It weeps for its lost children, and remains barren in their memory. In effect, there are no particularly noteworthy happenings in the Dragonblight's past, save the deaths of many dragons and the first use of the Plague to wipe out the native Humans. Description From Site: For millennia the Great Dragonblight has served as the enduring heart of Northrend. Here dense forests surround a vast Arctic wasteland littered with the massive, gleaming bones of perished dragons. In the center of this frozen expanse lies Wyrmrest Temple, a structure believed to be built by the world-shaping titans shortly after Azeroth's creation. Many legends hold that the five great Dragon Aspects were blessed within this fortress and given their charge to watch over the budding world. Perhaps it is for this reason that dragons nearing the end of their lives come to the Dragonblight to enrich the land with their passing. Surrounding Wyrmrest Temple are five majestic dragon shrines: red, bronze, green, blue, and black, each blessed with the powers of its respective flight. In recent times the undead Scourge has laid siege to these shrines in an effort to further its attempts at raising terrifying new variations of undead dragons to serve the Lich King. In an attempt to arrest these invasions, the red Dragon Aspect, Alexstrasza, has begun recruiting heroes to aid in the fight against the Scourge, even as the taunka and tuskarr wage their own desperate battles against the undead. The one-time Scarlet Crusade, now the Scarlet Onslaught, has arrived as well in the hopes of claiming victory in their ongoing campaign against the Lich King and his minions. Both the Alliance and the Horde have begun establishing a presence in the Dragonblight, taking a particular interest in the barred entrance to Icecrown, Angrathar the Wrath Gate. There both factions have begun gearing up for the siege that will inevitably lead into the lair of the Lich King himself. The immediate dangers of the Dragonblight are posed not only by the Lich King, however, but also by the blue dragonflight. Determined to manipulate all existing magic to serve his own purposes, the blue Dragon Aspect, Malygos, has ordered his flight to maneuver colossal machines into key positions over magical ley line clusters. Many believe that these dire constructs are intended to realign the paths of magical energy that course beneath the earth. If successful, Malygos's tampering could result in an ecological and magical catastrophe that would threaten not only the stability of Northrend, but ultimately the equilibrium of the entire world.
People and culture:
Of the living, the most common creatures here are nerubians. The entrance to Azjol-Nerub sits near the north edge of the Dragonblight, just below Crystalsong Forest; and before the Scourge came the spider-men wandered freely through this region, moving among the dragon corpses without a care. Now those who survived the War of the Spider find refuge up here, using dragon bones for cover from Scourge patrols. They hatch plans to reclaim their kingdom but lack the numbers or the strength to succeed. Tauren live here as well, though only in one place. A pack of Icemist tauren settled on the west edge of the Dragonblight, on the shore of Lake Wintergrasp. They don’t venture into the blight proper very often, preferring the clean cold of the lake to the bitter air of doom and death. Scourge creatures wander through here all the time, looking for ways to use the dragon remains, or searching for any artifacts the dragons left behind. Since they can’t pass through Crystalsong Forest, the Dragonblight also provides the only route to the east of Northrend, other than scaling the Storm Peaks. Most of the Scourge creatures lurk near the northwest corner, close to Icecrown Glacier. Some blue dragons live here as well. They tend their fallen kin and pay their respects. The dragons live in Wyrmrest Temple, down toward the southern shore. They communicate regularly with their kin in Coldarra. It was also home to several Humans native to the land, who had built their villages there. They were eventually turned into Undead soldiers of the Scourge.
Most of the Dragonblight is a single valley, sloping southward to the Shiverwind Coast. Low hills rise along the sides, taller to the east where they butt up against the Grizzly Hills and Zul’Drak. To the north a thin line of tall, sharp-edged cliffs breaks the land where Icecrown Glacier begins. The western edge borders Lake Wintergrasp, and the ground there is low and even and frozen solid. Many animals live here, feeding off the dragons’ remains. Birds, bears, spiders, wolves and bats all tear at the remains or at each other. Wendigo and sasquatch, and worg packs live here as well. Thanks to the Scourge, undead animals wander here as well, killing and converting the living where they can. Treasure is rumored to lie beneath draconian bones, but vigilant dragons watch this sacred ground for foolhardy graverobbers. |
Grizzly Hills: |
History: |
People and culture: |
Geography: |
Capital |
Grizzlemaw (10,000) |
Population |
47,500 |
Races |
Furbolg (28,500)
Dwarf (14,250)
Scourge (4,750) |
Government |
Tribal |
Ruler |
Baergar Blackpaw |
Major Settlements |
Thor Modan (3,000)
Drak'Tharon Keep (2,000) |
Grizzly Hills, located in southeastern Northrend, is the home ground of the Grizzlemaw furbolgs. The dwarven settlement of Thor Modan can be found in the north, as well as the Scourge fortress of Drak'Tharon Keep. Over 20,000 furbolgs live in Grizzly Hills, most in the large settlement of Grizzlemaw. It is similar to other forests during wintertime, except that winter here is year-round. The trees are tall and thick; the pine needles and crisp, clean air produce a pleasant scent, the snow leaves the ground clean and fresh, and the hills themselves are high enough for decent elevation but low enough and gradual enough to be easily climbed. It’s one of the nicest regions in Northrend. Dwarves live here at Thor Modan, but they aren’t the only residents. Furbolgs dominate the region, and they make are fine neighbors when they’re not attacking. The Scourge has a presence here as well, but not strong enough to do much more than block the northwest corner. Wild animals roam the hills, providing plenty of meat and fur and entertainment. It’s not an easy land by any stretch, but it’s handsome and fierce and full of life. It has also been revealed that the Venture Co. will be found here, deforesting the land. The deforesting operation is large-scale and throughout the region. Arugal has also been resurrected and now leads his worgen army in Grizzly Hills. Some furbolgs have also been corrupted by an Old God.
The furbolgs claim they were the first people in these hills. So do the Drakkari ice trolls, though they’re concentrated to the north in Zul’Drak. They may both be wrong. Another theory is that dwarves were here first. It is believed that Titans placed dwarves here, after they’d created them. It was an experiment to see if they could survive on their own. They not only survived but flourished, spreading southward and into what would later become Kalimdor and the other continents. The dwarves of Thor Modan believe they can find evidence of the dwarves ancestors in the hills, and uncover truths about their race’s early culture. Regardless, all this was well before any surviving history. But no one really knows what went on here back then. Other stories say that the Drakkari built Drak’Tharon Keep before the furbolgs built Grizzlemaw. Supposedly, the Frost Paws gathered the tribes together in part to fend off the new Drakkari threat. Both races were here and hated each other — the furbolgs had the numbers but with their new keep the Drakkari were more organized, and the trolls were always more unified than the furbolgs. The existence of Grizzlemaw affected the balance, and the furbolgs’ victory over the Drakkari in a series of skirmishes may have led to the eventual loss of Drak’Tharon to the Scourge. This region is the furbolg homeland, and they outnumber every other race here combined. They are massive bear-men, enormous creatures with a bear’s build and fur and basic features, but a man’s hands and, to a limited extent, mind. That is a dangerous combination, and they’re powerful in a fight. Fortunately they’re not aggressive beyond their own territory. The dwarves at Thor Modan have run-ins with furbolgs on a regular basis, since the furbolgs feel the dwarves are trespassers and grave-robbers. Furbolgs are surprisingly friendly to travelers, though, and greeted them warmly once they are assured that they laid no claim to anything in the hills. They’re less approving of large groups, and particularly wary of strange races, but their caution can't be blamed. The furbolgs have a city here, Grizzlemaw, but it holds less than half their number. The rest are gathered in clans and scattered throughout the region. Each clan has its own totem, and when one sees one they know that they have entered Snowspring territory, Winterpaw land, Snow Flurry hunting grounds, or any of the others. It's best for a person to declare himself openly once a person sees the totem, since a furbolg may be watching and won't appreciate the person trying to sneak past. The dwarves in Thor Modan were thrilled to see visitors and eager for news of home. They don't get that many travelers up here. They are not here for socializing, though, and remain focused on their excavations. They have not yet discovered anything of note, but they are still hopeful. The Scourge forces at Drak’Tharon Keep are typical: nasty, violent, and focused. They hold the passes between Zul'Drak, the Dragonblight, and the rest of the Grizzly Hills in order for more Scourge forces to reach the east or return to Icecrown Glacier. For generations, the tribal furbolgs have worshiped a colossal prehistoric bear that roams the surrounding wilderness.
People and culture:
The Grizzly Hills are as hilly as the name suggests. Along the northern edges the land gains height and depth, approaching the level of small mountain ranges, while it flattens out a little in the south. Thick forest covers the land from end to end, broken only by small clearings or the space alongside one of the many streams and small rivers. Snow is everywhere but the region has little ice — the wind whistles overhead but the trees block it from entering down below, and the hills seem almost warm compared to the Dragonblight and the Borean Tundra. It’s still dangerous, with treacherous slopes and hidden caves and partially frozen rivers, but better than most of the other regions. All manner of wild animals live in the area, and the hills are full of life. Wolves, bears, foxes, rabbits and some small deer are the most common. Mice and other rodents hide from the snowy owls and other raptors in the trees, but mercifully snakes and spiders aren’t present here, likely due to the temperature. Wendigo and sasquatch prowl the hills, so it’s best not to go out alone. The Drakkari live just north in Zul’Drak and sometimes their hunters drift down to the hills as well, in search of prey. The Grizzly Hills have three major settlements, each controlled by a different race. It’s strange that all three coexist here, and even stranger that they’re all along the north edge. The southern hills have other furbolg tribes and the random trapper or traveler, but nothing larger than a small village.LoM 102 |
Zul'Drak: |
History: |
People and culture: |
Geography: |
Capital |
Gundrak (13,000) |
Population |
38,000 |
Races |
Ice Troll (36,100)
Vendigo (1,900) |
Government |
Tribal |
Ruler |
Frost King Malakk |
Zul'Drak is an area located in eastern Northrend. It is home to the Drakkari ice trolls and their Frost King Malakk. Their capital is the city of Gundrak. Zul’Drak belongs to the Drakkari, who roam in hunting parties searching for prey. Old troll ruins are strewn across the countryside and the Scourge hovers just beyond the western border, waiting for a chance to strike. Climate-wise, Zul’Drak is the least pleasant of the eastern regions. It’s colder than the Grizzly Hills or the Howling Fjord, less majestic than the Storm Peaks, and more crowded than any of them - with most of the crowd being Drakkari. This region is the trolls’ homeland, and they swarm the area looking for intruders and prey. It is covered in Drakkari ruins. Most other races avoid this region, and for good reason. Travelers do not need to go there for passage north or south — they can stick to the Grizzly Hills, which surround Zul’Drak on both sides and reach all the way up to Crystalsong Forest and Storm Peaks. The only reason anyone would want to visit Zul’Drak is if they were explorers hoping to meet the Drakkari — and they better have a large group of armed warriors with them when they do. The Drakkari have recently gone mad after they sacrificed their loa animal gods in an attempt to fight off the Scourge. The Argent Dawn has returned to play a role in Zul'Drak. The zone itself is a giant ziggurat of the now broken civilization. As noted below, players visiting the zone, will find that it is in the process of being overrun by the Scourge, particularly in the vicinity of the Argent Stand. The conflict between various NPC/mob factions can be intense, and it's easy to get caught in the crossfire. The zone's primary inhabitants are Scourge, Nerubians, crazed Drakkari who randomly attack anyone in their path, and a scattering of Water Elementals which a faction of Drakkari summoned to help them defeat the Scourge. The Argent Dawn have a tangible presence in the area as well. A number of the Loa of the Drakkari still exist in weakened forms, and can be found in the northeast region of the zone, towards Gundrak. A Scourge-controlled Blight zone also exists south of Ebon Watch, near Drak'Tharon Keep, at the east end of the zone.
The Drakkari ice trolls are an old race, one of the first in Northrend and perhaps one of the first in all Azeroth. They were building homes in Zul’Drak before the Great Sundering and never left their home, though some of them may have migrated south and become the jungle trolls and the other troll races. The furbolgs of Grizzlemaw have fought the Drakkari for many years. Drakkari are tribal, and early in their history each tribe established its own territory and fought off any trespassers. Then one tribe conquered another and enslaved its warriors. These slaves were forced to build the victors a new and larger home, and their children became part of the dominant tribe. This tribe continued to conquer its neighbors, each time absorbing them, until finally it was powerful enough to claim all of Zul’Drak as its kingdom. Any tribe that resisted was destroyed. Those tribes that accepted the powerful tribe’s dominance were allowed to keep their own territories, provided they accepted any orders from the ruling tribe. Thus, the Drakkari nation truly began. The central tribe’s home became Gundrak, the capital city. The tribes still war among themselves, and the Frost King allows this because it keeps his people strong and aggressive. He coordinates border patrols and establishes protocols for calling all the tribes together should an army attack them in force. Many tribe chieftains thought these efforts foolish until they encountered the walking dead. Then the Frost King organized the other Drakkari and drove the dead from their lands. Thus far the Scourge has not penetrated into Zul’Drak to any degree, though it claims Drak’Tharon Keep, an old Drakkari stronghold in the Grizzly Hills just beyond Zul’Drak’s southwest edge.
People and culture:
Zul'Drak is the Drakkari homeland. Their culture is believed to have existed long before the Great Sundering, and live here by the thousands. It’s amazing this one land can support so many trolls, especially since fresh meat is their principle food. Fortunately for them, wild beasts roam the area as well and provide plenty of prey. Drakkari are unpleasant. They epitomize the nastiness and barbarism of trolls everywhere. They’re large, bigger than any other troll and crude, and they prefer violence to discussion or negotiation. They are a barbaric people who practice voodoo and worship strange spirit-gods and devour their enemies — and sometimes their friends — raw. The only thing a Drakkari respects is strength and the only thing they want from others is fear and flesh. Fortunately, Drakkari are tribal. They live in small tribes throughout Zul’Drak and wage war among themselves. Some bands of Drakkari slaughter each other simply because they met along the border between their two tribes. Such conflict helps keep the troll population down. No one else is foolish enough to share the region with them.
Zul’Drak is a single large valley between the arms of the Grizzly Hills, Crystalsong Forest, and the Storm Peaks. The trees here are smaller than the southern forests but numerous and upright, and provide excellent cover when sniping trolls. Some grass and other plants poke up through the snow, and frozen ponds and streams dot the land. Obelisks and ziggurats are everywhere, often at the centre of active troll camps. Ruins show where troll tribes must have lived long ago — most of these look like they were destroyed during battle rather than simply abandoned. The valley teems with life. In addition to the Drakkari, giant wolves, wendigo and other animals live among the trees and grass. Furbolgs wander up from the Grizzly Hills to hunt and clash with the Drakkari. The trolls maintain patrols along their border, both to drive out intruders and to kill anyone they find. Troll villages are everywhere in Zul’Drak. Most of these are small, crude places, a handful of wood or stone buildings around a single larger hall. Some are built on the ruins of older structures or surround an ancient obelisk or ziggurat, carved from stone and more impressive than the more recent structures. The only large settlement is Gundrak, the capital city. |
Crystalsong Forest: |
History: |
People and culture: |
Geography: |
Population |
141 |
Races |
Crystalline Golem (99)
Green Dragonflight (42) |
Minor Settlements |
Great Tree |
The Crystalsong Forest, found in Northrend, is like a forest crafted from crystal, although crystals are not trees. The crystals are as tall as trees and appear to sprout from the ground. However, the ground is crystal as well. It appears to be like a winter scene, snow and ice blanketing the ground, the rocks, the trees. However the snow and ice is crystal that glows from within. Beauty and peace fills Crystalsong Forest. The crystals make noise — they sing. Ancient magic is at work here. This crystalline forest has a tragic history behind its unusual environment. It was here that the Blue Dragonflight was nearly wiped out by the Black Dragonflight. Tuskarr legends say that the magic of the blue dragons was released into the air when they died. When an elder blue dragon cast a spell to turn the black dragons into ice, the loose magic in the air accidentally amplified the spell, causing the natural green forest to turn into crystal. The only thing spared from such a fate was the Great Tree, protected as it was by the magic of the Emerald Dream. The only current residents found in this region are Green Dragons, and Crystal Golems sent by the Storm Giants of Ulduar to gather crystals for their experiments.
Crystalsong Forest was not always as it is now. Once, it resembled a normal landscape. Then, black and blue dragons fought a great battle here, and many dragons died. Their magic released into the air and settled as glittering light on the ground and the rocks and the trees. Finally an elder blue dragon, beset by many blacks, unleashed a powerful spell to strip the life from his attackers and turn them to stone. The loose magic altered and amplified the spell, spreading it across the entire region and changing soil and stone and wood and flesh into living crystal. Only the Great Tree was spared, protected by its green dragon guardians. After the battle ended, the storm giants investigated this strange new place. They discovered that the crystals contained strong magic of their own, and began mining the forest for their own purposes. They created crystalline golems to handle the actual work, and left these creatures to defend the forest and carry crystals back to Ulduar. When the Lich King arrived in Northrend, he immediately sensed the power of the forest. He dispatched several of his mightiest servants to secure the region for his use. The golems destroyed them, and the green dragons eliminated the servants who approached the Great Tree. The Lich King tried again, this time sending a small army into Crystalsong, and this time the forest itself took action. As the monstrosities approached, the forest's song grew louder, shaking every spire, and the creatures burst like shattered glass. The Lich King never made a third attempt, perhaps accepting that some force protected the forest and would not let him pass. This may be why the Scourge constructed a huge dam separating the forest from Icecrown. At some point long ago, the night elves built the city of Shandaral. The city now lies in ruins throughout the zone, likely destroyed during the War of the Ancients when Deathwing betrayed the other dragonflights and the forest was turned into crystal.
People and culture:
Only two races live within Crystalsong Forest: crystalline golems and green dragons. Neither is normal, or particularly friendly, and neither of them have real homes or cultures. The crystalline golems are constructs created by the storm giants up in Ulduar. They look like men only larger (and made of crystal), and serve the giants as workers, scouts and servants. The storm giants use crystal from Crystalsong Forest in their experiments and items, and send the golems to fetch it. The golems also protect this place from travelers who might despoil it or settle here and destroy the place's magic. If visitors assure them that they are only passing through and they see that they aren't harming the crystals, they leave them alone. Green dragons live here as well, though only around the Great Tree. If explorers approach them, they will be warned to step back or be destroyed. No discussion. They nest in the tree's branches when they're not buzzing around like angry hornets. A small base camp, Violet Stand, has been set up by the Kirin Tor below their floating city of Dalaran, which they had teleported to float above Northrend.
The ground here rolls slightly, not enough to produce real hills or valleys but enough to keep it from being utterly flat. The crystals vary in size, from a few feet to hundreds of feet high, and from a small tree to a large house in width. Small streams flow here and there, probably where snowmelt has worn channels in the crystal, and a few waterfalls exist as well, when those streams reach the edge of one level and fall to the next. It’s breathtaking watching that water cascade down, lit from behind by the crystals’ light. Many of the crystals rise like trees, tall and straight, but others are wide and flat or slightly curved or tilted at some strange angle. It really is an entire land of crystal, as if something took an ordinary region and transformed everything within it. The only other creatures here are birds. They perch everywhere, flitting from crystal to crystal and singing as they go. The sound echoes, and the crystals resonate to it, amplifying notes and creating new melodies from several sources. The forest itself seems to be playing music, and a person can feel it through his feet and up through his bones. It’s lovely and in most places so soft one strains to hear it, but it never completely fades. It’s important to note, though, that even if there were no birds here, the crystals would still sing. This is old magic and has nothing to do with wildlife. Crystalsong Forest has only one settlement of any sort. The golems are not technically alive and are always busy here, so they have no camp anywhere. Travelers who are allowed entrance set up camp anywhere the ground is level enough and open enough, but they never stay long. Only the dragons remain. Crystalsong has few residents, though they defend the forest effectively. Its crystals contain mysterious and impressive magic, enough to tempt any arcanist or tinker. For those allowed entry, the forest also provides an easy way to reach Storm Peaks, Zul'Drak, Icecrown Glacier or Dragonblight. |
Sholazar Basin: |
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Races |
Titan |
Sholazar Basin (pronounced SHOL-uh-zarh) is a tropical jungle basin in the midst of Northrend. It is found between Borean Tundra and Icecrown Glacier. The zone's climate and safety from the Scourge is maintained by pylons, erected by the Titans. Recently, one pylon in the east has fallen and the Scourge has taken this opportunity to invade from Icecrown to the north. They are now streaming down The Avalanche. Much like Kalimdor's Un'Goro Crater, the Sholazar Basin is an anomaly. It fills the northwest corner of the Borean Tundra, and is surrounded by a nasty ridge, requiring climbing to reach it. Those that reach the top of the ridge look down into a lush tropical jungle. Hot springs dot the basin and you have to watch out for steam vents and geysers — hot enough to cook flesh from bones in an instant if something gets caught in one. Thick vegetation fills the basin, and birds and small animals are everywhere. So are insects. It is an amazing place, and hard to believe it’s part of Northrend. In Sholazar Basin, players will take part in a faction war between the wolvar (Frenzyheart Tribe) and the gorlocs (arctic cousins of murlocs). The various Gorloc tribes have gathered together to form the group called The Oracles. Players will only be able to choose one side, but Blizzard will allow players to easily change which faction they wish to be allied with.
A high elf scholar that once visited Kaskala believed that the Titans used the Sholazar Basin as a testing ground. Some of their experiments, or at least the remains of those experiments, may still exist. Thus, the basin is a potential treasure trove of knowledge and power. Who knows what species the Titans left here, and what notes and tools?
People and culture:
Geography: |
Storm Peaks: |
History: |
People and culture: |
Geography: |
Capital |
Ulduar (150) |
Population |
300 |
Races |
Storm Giant (210)
Crytalline (75)
Magnataur (9)
Wendigo (6)
Frost dwarf
Frost Vrykul
Ulduar Earthen |
The Storm Peaks is a mountain range and zone located in the northeast of Northrend. It is where a mysterious race of giants named the storm giants live. The third known titan city of Ulduar is also located here. The winds that rip through the mountains are extremely violent and dangerous. It was in the Storm Peaks that a titanic battle occurred between Aegwynn (Guardian of Tirisfal) and Sargeras's avatar (the lord of the Burning Legion). Also shown on the map in Lands of Mystery is the Temple of Storms. The purpose of said temple was unknown. In Wrath of the Lich King, it is now shown to be the home of Thorim.
The Storm Peaks have a mysterious history. Long ago, the titans lived here. They created Ulduar as their city, and it is from here that they conducted their experiments. It is said that the Storm Peaks are the origin of the storm giants, and perhaps the dwarves and troggs as well. When the titans disappeared, the races were left to fend for themselves. The dwarves moved south into warmer climates, but the storm giants remained and claimed Ulduar as their own. They developed crystalline golems to aid them in their research and as guards. Over time, the storm giants have dwindled in number and grown ever more reclusive. Now only a handful remain. The storm giants make their home here in the Storm Peaks. They are of an impressive size, more than 30 feet tall and powerfully built. The storm giants are capable of summoning small storms. They keep to themselves, hiding in their caves and tunnels below the surface, and avoid visitors. Myths say that the titans created the storm giants; perhaps dwarves have an origin in common to the storm giants. It is possible that the storm giants may know more about the dwarves' past than the dwarves do themselves — however, they are not likely to tell anyone about it. The storm giants like their privacy, and their crystalline golems help maintain that. They are the same golems that reside in Crystalsong Forest, gathering crystals to bring back to their masters. In Crystalsong Forest, they are servants and couriers. In the Storm Peaks, they function as door wardens and bodyguards, making sure no intruder gains entrance to the storm giants’ lairs. Magnataur and wendigo are known to roam the area. The magnataur are solitary and easy to spot.
People and culture:
The Storm Peaks have treacherous paths, powerful winds, jagged cliffs, and hungry monsters. They are also home to the storm giants, one of the oldest races in the world and the keepers of the titans' legacy. The two biggest dangers in the Storm Peaks aren’t necessarily its inhabitants. The wind is fierce and constant, and can easily tug someone off a cliff. One look at those paths it has cut through the cliffs and one realizes how deadly wind can be. The second danger is sunlight. The peaks are covered in ice and the light reflects from every angle. Up here the ice is everywhere. Wearing dark glasses is the only way to survive — otherwise a person is blinded every time he moves his head, and before long he will take a misstep and tumble off a cliff or down a ravine. The weather doesn’t help — it is either clear and sunny, with the nasty glare, or dark as night and pouring, with sheets of freezing rain, hail, or snow battering down and making every surface as slick as oil. One would think the Storm Peaks were mountains, but that is not entirely accurate. They do have the highest elevation of any other region in Northrend. On the edge of the peaks, one can look out over Icecrown Glacier to the west, Crystalsong Forest to the south, Zul’Drak to the east, and the ocean to the north. But they are not mountains. They are actually cliffs. The “peaks” are the spots where wind has not cut away the ice and rock, as opposed to the narrow paths it has carved. Through large parts of this region, a person can literally leap from peak to peak, provided the wind does not throw him over the edge. Ulduar, like much of Northrend, is sparsely inhabited. The storm giants stay hidden, their golems don’t bother anyone unless someone approaches their masters’ homes, and the magnataur and wendigo are infrequent and large enough to spot from a distance. It is a good place to be alone with one's own thoughts, if they don’t mind the biting wind, the searing cold, and the repetitive stretches of ice and rock. The peaks are handsome in an austere way. Little grows here — a random bush sprouting in a nook along a cliff face or a few tough blades of grass in a crack. Everything else is stone and ice. Animals appear to be rare, and its unknown what the wendigo and magnataur eat to survive. Perhaps they eat each other and any travelers they can find. No one lives here except the storm giants, their golems, and beasts like the wendigo and magnataur. The latter have caves they have found or dug into the ice and rock. The storm giants have their city, Ulduar, and the Temple of Storms. |
Icecrown: |
History: |
People and culture: |
Geography: |
Capital |
Icecrown Citadel |
Population |
Unknown (250,000+) |
Races |
Scourge |
Government |
Monarchy |
Ruler |
Lich King Arthas |
Icecrown is a region composed of mostly Icecrown Glacier and the immediate area around it. Icecrown is surrounded by mountains to the south. The ground is not frozen nor has snow, it is solid ice. Hence, nothing grows here.
The name of Icecrown became infamous when Kil'jaeden hurled the Lich King back into the mortal world. Ner'zhul's prison slammed into the glacier and created the Frozen Throne. The impact was seen as far away as the Grizzly Hills. Here the Lich King remained until freed by Arthas, and the two beings merged into Arthas' body. From the Icecrown Citadel, he commands the Scourge. Apparently, troops of the Scarlet Crusade succeeded in approaching the stronghold during a counter offensive, but in the end were repelled by the Scourge. Orman of Stromgarde was the highest-ranking human among the countless casualties of this failed assault. In World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, Icecrown, previously ravaged by the tremendous force unleashed when Arthas and the Lich King merged into a single being, has been heavily fortified by the Scourge. Massive walls and ramparts have been erected throughout the region and Angrathar the Wrath Gate bars entry from the bordering Dragonblight, while the reconstructed Icecrown Citadel looms overhead.
People and culture:
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Wintergrasp: |
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Elementals |
Wintergrasp is a large region located between Sholazar Basin, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Icecrown. Wintergrasp appears in the second World of Warcraft expansion as the first non-battleground zone fully dedicated to world PvP, even on PvE servers. It focuses on siege weapon warfare.
Wintergrasp was once the location of a vast lake known as Lake Wintergrasp; the lake has shrunk since then, leaving the basin open to exploration. Wintergrasp contains a valuable mine, ownership of which is contested by the Horde and the Alliance in order to reap its riches.
People and culture:
The Wintergrasp zone in World of Warcraft is about the size of Westfall. Wintergrasp can be reached via portals from Dalaran, one portal for each side, which open while the zone is controlled; the portals are shut down while the match is in progress. It can also be reached on foot, details of which can be found here. Players can fly into Wintergrasp under their own power, but in Wintergrasp the air is too thin to sustain flight; players entering this no-fly zone are warned and failure to leave within 8 seconds will result in the player being kicked off of their mount. Players who are kicked from their mount are automatically given a "parachute" effect (similar to Slow Fall). Players can fly out of Wintergrasp to other regions via the flight master near the attackers' rally point. The Horde rally point is on the west side beyond the western goblin workshop, and the Alliance rally point is north-east of the eastern goblin workshop. They can also leave Wintergrasp by moving to one of the various locations that are technically within other zones (but remain on the plateau) then summoning a flying mount. |
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