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Blacksmiths take bars of metal from miners and work them into finely crafted arms and armor. There are many unique weapons and other armaments that cannot be found on any of the vendors or monsters in the game, but can only be created by blacksmiths. Blacksmiths can create weapons, mail and plate armor for Paladins or Warriors, and trade items. Blacksmiths can construct special sharpening stones that can be used to temporarily improve weapon damage. They can also create several items that are used as ingredients for other Professions recipes, such as Enchanting. Blacksmiths can also create a few items that are needed for quests. They can put these items in the auction house to generate additional income.

If you plan on being a blacksmith, you should probably already be a miner. Miners collect ore and smelt ore into bars to create the majority of blacksmithing items. Blacksmith recipes often include jewels, which are found in a variety of places. Typically, most blacksmiths buy or are given rare jewels from other players. Some blacksmithing recipes require leather, which you will need to buy from a skinner.

Blacksmithing is great for Paladins or Warriors, who can use the skill to create their own equipment. It is also good for making money by selling weapons and armor to the classes that can use them.

Apprentice: 5 1-75
Journeyman: 10 50-150
Expert: 20 125-225
Artisan: 35 200-300
Master: 50 275-375
Grandmaster: 70 350-450


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Leveling Tips:

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Usefull Macros and Add-ons:

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Name Level
Rough Copper Vest 1
Rough Sharpening Stone
Rough Weightstone
Copper Bracers
Copper Chain Pants
Copper Mace 15
Copper Axe 20
Copper Chain Boots
Rough Grinding Stone 25
Copper Shortsword
Copper Claymore 30
Copper Dagger
Copper Battle Axe 35
Copper Chain Belt
Runed Copper Gauntlets 40
Runed Copper Pants 45
Coarse Sharpening Stone 65
Coarse Weightstone
Heavy Copper Maul
Thick War Axe 70
Runed Copper Belt
Coarse Grinding Stone 75
Runed Copper Bracers 90
Rough Bronze Boots 90
Heavy Copper Broadsword
Silver Skeleton Key 100
Silver Rod
Thick Bronze Darts
Big Bronze Knife 105
Rough Bronze Leggings
Rough Bronze Cuirass
Pearl-handled Dagger 110
Bronze Maul
Rough Bronze Shoulder
Bronze Axe 115
Patterned Bronze Bracers 120
Bronze Shortsword
Heavy Sharpening Stone 125
Heavy Weightstone
Heavy Grinding Stone
Bronze Warhammer
Heavy Bronze Mace 130
Silver Bronze Boots
Bronze Greatsword
Silvered Bronze Gauntlets 135
Bronze Battle Axe
Shining Silver Breatplate 145
Iron Buckle 150
Golden Skeleton Key
Golden Rod
Green Iron Leggings 155
Green Iron Bracers 165
Green Iron Helm 170
Green Iron Hauberk 180
Glinting Steel Dagger
Golden Scale Bracers 185
Solid Grinding Stone 200
Solid Sharpening Stone
Solid Weightstone
Truesilver Skeleton Key
Truesilver Rod
Whirling Steel Axes
Steel Breastplate
Heavy Mithril Gauntlets 205
Heavy Mithril Shoulder
Mithril Scale Pants 210
Heavy Mithril Axe
Steel Plate Helm 215
Truesilver Gauntlets 225
Heavy Mithril Breastplate 230
Mithril Coif
Big Black Mace
Heavy Mithril Boots 235
The Shatterer
Truesilver Breastplate 245
Phantom Blade
Dense Grinding Stone 250
Dense Sharpening Stone
Dense Weightstone
Thorium Armor
Thorium Belt
Thorium Bracers 255
Earthforged Leggings 260
Light Earthforged Blade
Light Emberforged Hammer
Light Skyforged Axe
Windforged Leggings
Truesilver Champion
Arcanite Skeleton Key 275
Arcanite Rod
Ornate Thorium Handaxe
Thorium Boots 280
Thorium Helm
Huge Thorium Battleaxe
Fel Iron Rod 300
Fel Sharpening Stone
Fel Weightstone
Fel Iron Chain Coif
Fel Iron Plate Gloves
Enchanted Thorium Blades
Thorium Leggings
Fel Iron Plate Belt 305
Fel Iron Chain Gloves 310
Fel Iron Hatchet
Fel Iron Chain Bracers 315
Fel Iron Hammer
Fel Iron Plate Boots
Fel Iron Plate Pants
Fel Iron Chain Tunic 320
Fel Iron Greatsword
Lesser Rune of Warding 325
Fel Iron Breastplate
Great Earthforged Hammer 330
Heavy Earthforged Breastplate
Lavaforged Warhammer
Skyforged Great Axe
Stoneforged Claymore
Stormforged Axe
Stormforged Hauberk
Windforged Rapier
Cobalt Skeleton Key 350
Breastplate of Kings
Drakefist Hammer
Lionheart Blade
Lunar Crescent
Nether Chain Shirt
The Planar Edge
Felsteel Whisper Knives
Cobalt Belt
Cobalt Boots
Cobalt Bracers 360
Cobalt Spaulders
Cobalt Triangle Shield
Cobalt Helm 370
Cobalt Legplates
Cobalt Gauntlets
Cobalt Chestpiece 375
Spiked Cobalt Helm
Black Planar Edge
Bulwark of Kings
Bulwark of the Ancient Kings
Deep Thunder
Embrace of Twisting Nether
Lionheart Champion
Lionheart Executioner
Twisting Nether Chain Shirt
Wicked Edge of the Planes
Cobalt Tenderizer 380
Spiked Cobalt Boots
Sturdy Cobalt Quickblade
Forged Cobalt Claymore 385
Spiked Cobalt Chestpiece
Spiked Cobalt Shoulder
Sure-fire Shuriken
Honed Cobalt Cleaver 390
Saronite Defender
Saronite Protector
Notched Cobalt War Axe
Spiked Cobalt Gauntlets
Brilliant Saronite Belt 395
Brilliant Saronite Legplates
Savage Cobalt Slicer
Tempered Saronite Belt
Tempered Saronite Legplates
Spiked Cobalt Belt
Spiked Cobalt Legplates
Socket Bracer 400
Socket Gloves
Brilliant Saronite Bracers
Brilliant Saronite Gauntlets
Saronite Ambusher
Tempered Saronite Boots
Tempered Saronite Breatplate
Horned Cobalt Helm
Spiked Cobalt Bracers
Brilliant Saronite Boots 405
Brillian Saronite Pauldrons
Saronite Shiv
Tempered Saronite Helm
Tempered Saronite Shoulders
Deadly Saronite Dirk
Cudgel of Saronite Justice 410
Furious Saronite Beatstick
Saronite Bulwark
Saronite Spellblade
Tempered Saronite Bracers
Brilliant Saronite Breastplate 415
Brilliant Saronite Helm
Chestplate of the Conquest
Corroded Saronite Edge
Corroded Saronite Woundbringer
Eternal Belt Buckle
Legplates of Conquest
Saronite Mindcrusher
Tempered Saronite Gauntlets
Ornate Saronite Bracers 420
Savage Saronite Bracers
Vengeance Bindings
Titanium Shild Spike
Titanium Weapon Chain
Titanium Rod
Icebane Girdle
Icebane Treads
Daunting Handguards
Ornate Saronite Gauntlets
Ornate Saronite Pauldrons
Ornate Saronite Waistguard
Ornate Saronite Walkers
Righteous Gauntlets
Savage Saronite Gauntlets
Savage Saronite Pauldrons
Savage Saronite Waistguard
Savage Saronite Walkers
Icebane Chestguard 425
Daunting Legplates
Helm of Commands
Ornate Saronite Hauberk
Ornate Saronite Legplates
Ornate Saronite Skullshield
Righteous Greaves
Savage Saronite Hauberk
Savage Saronite Legplates
Savage Saronite Skullshield
Titanium Skeleton Key 430
Brilliant Titansteel Helm 440
Brilliant Titansteel Treads
Spiked Titansteel Helm
Spiked Titansteel Treads
Tempered Titansteel Helm
Tempered Titansteel Treads
Titansteel Bonecrusher
Titansteel Destroyer
Titansteel Guardian
Titansteel Shanker
Titansteel Shield Wall

Cost Name Vendor NPC
30s Solid Iron Maul
Solid Iron Maul
Jannos Ironwill, Arathi Highlands, (Only 1)
Jazzrik, Badlands, (Only 1)
Muuran, Desolace, (Only 1)
30s Hardened Iron Shortsword
Plans: Hardened Iron Shortsword
Jutak, Stranglethorn Vale, (Only 1)
Kaita Deepforge, Stormwind, (Only 1)
Sumi, Orgrimmar, (Only 1)
44s Moonsteel Broadsword
Plans: Moonsteel Broadsword
Zarena Cromwind, Stranglethorn Vale, (Only 1)
44s Massive Iron Axe
Plans: Massive Iron Axe
Jaquilina Dramet, Stranglethorn Vale, (Only 1)
Vharr, Stranglethorn Vale, (Only 1)
44s Golden Scale Coif
Plans: Golden Scale Coif
Krinle Goldsteel, Tanaris, (Only 1)
60s Mithril Scale Bracers
Plans: Mithril Scale Bracers
Gharash, Swamp of Sorrows, (Only 1)
Harggan, The Hinterlands, (Only 1)
1g Ebon Shiv
Plans: Ebon Shiv
Hagrus, Western Plaguelands,
2g 20s Girdle of the Dawn
Plans: Girdle of the Dawn
Argent Quartermaster Hasana, Tirisfal Glades
Argent Quartermaster Lightspark, Western Plaguelands
Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock, Eastern Plaguelands
4g Gloves of the Dawn
Plans: Gloves of the Dawn
2g 20s Heavy Timbermaw Belt
Plans: Heavy Timbermaw Belt
Meilosh, Felwood
4g Heavy Timbermaw Boots
Plans: Heavy Timbermaw Boots
6g Dark Iron Helm
Plans: Dark Iron Helm
Lokhtos Darkbargainer, Blackrock Depths., (Only 1)
7g Dark Iron Bracers
Plans: Dark Iron Bracers
9g Fiery Chain Girdle
Plans: Fiery Chain Girdle
22g Dark Iron Destroyer
Plans: Dark Iron Destroyer
22g Dark Iron Reaver
Plans: Dark Iron Reaver
7g Black Amnesty
Plans: Black Amnesty
Lokhtos Darkbargainer, Blackrock Depths.
7g Blackfury
Plans: Blackfury
8g Dark Iron Boots
Plans: Dark Iron Boots
8g Dark Iron Gauntlets
Plans: Dark Iron Gauntlets
12g Blackguard
Plans: Blackguard
12g Ebon Hand
Plans: Ebon Hand
12g Nightfall
Plans: Nightfall
18g Dark Iron Leggings
Plans: Dark Iron Leggings
20g Fiery Chain Shoulders
Plans: Fiery Chain Shoulders
5g Jagged Obsidian Shield
Plans: Jagged Obsidian Shield
Lieutenant General Andorov, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, (Only 1).
8g Obsidian Mail Tunic
Plans: Obsidian Mail Tunic
5g Bloodsoul Breastplate
Plans: Bloodsoul Breastplate
Rin'wosho the Trader, Stranglethorn Vale.
5g Bloodsoul Gauntlets
Plans: Bloodsoul Gauntlets
5g Bloodsoul Shoulders
Plans: Bloodsoul Shoulders
5g Darksoul Breastplate
Plans: Darksoul Breastplate
5g Darksoul Leggings
Plans: Darksoul Leggings
5g Darksoul Shoulders
Plans: Darksoul Shoulders
5g Heavy Obsidian Belt
Plans: Heavy Obsidian Belt
Vargus, Silithus.
5g Ironvine Breastplate
Plans: Ironvine Breastplate
5g Ironvine Belt
Plans: Ironvine Belt
5g Ironvine Gloves
Plans: Ironvine Gloves
5g Light Obsidian Belt
Plans: Light Obsidian Belt
4g Adamantite Maul
Plans: Adamantite Maul
Aaron Hollman, Shattrath City, (Only 1)
Arras, The Exodar, (Only 1)
Eriden, Silvermoon City, (Only 1)
4g Adamantite Cleaver
Plans: Adamantite Cleaver
4g Adamantite Dagger
Plans: Adamantite Dagger
4g Adamantite Rapier
Plans: Adamantite Rapier
6g Adamantite Plate Bracers
Plans: Adamantite Plate Bracers
Krek Cragcrush, Shadowmoon Valley, (Only 1).
Loolruna, Zangarmarsh, (Only 1).
6g Adamantite Plate Gloves
Plans: Adamantite Plate Gloves
6g Adamantite Breastplate
Plans: Adamantite Breastplate
6g Lesser Ward of Shielding
Plans: Lesser Ward of Shielding
Mari Stonehand, Shadowmoon Valley, (Only 1).
Rohok, Hellfire Peninsula, (Only 1).
12g Eterium rod
Plans: Eterium Rod
4g Adamantite Rod
Plans: Adamantite Rod
Aaron Hollman, Shattrath City, (Only 1).
6g Flamebane Bracers
Plans: Flamebane Bracers
Quartermaster Endarin, Shattrath City.
6g Flamebane Helm
Plans: Flamebane Helm
6g Flamebane Gloves
Plans: Flamebane Gloves
8g Flamebane Breastplate
Plans: Flamebane Breastplate
6g Enchanted Adamantite Belt
Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Belt
Quartermaster Enuril, Shattrath City.
6g Enchanted Adamantite Boots
Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Boots
6g Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate
Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate
8g Enchanted Adamantite Leggings
Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Leggings
6g Felsteel Shield Spike
Plans: Felsteel Shield Spike
Logistics Officer Ulrike, Shattrath City.
Quartermaster Urgronn, Shattrath City.
24g Iceguard Breastplate
Plans: Iceguard Breastplate
Koren, Karazhan.
24g Iceguard Helm
Plans: Iceguard Helm
24g Iceguard Leggings
Plans: Iceguard Leggings
8g Shadesteel Bracers
Plans: Shadesteel Bracers
Okuno, Black Temple.
8g Shadesteel Girdle
Plans: Shadesteel Girdle
8g Shadesteel Greaves
Plans: Shadesteel Greaves
8g Shadesteel Sabots
Plans: Shadesteel Sabots
6g Adamantite Sharpening Stone
Plans: Adamantite Sharpening Stone
Fedryen Swiftspear, Zangarmarsh.
6g Greater Rune of Warding
Plans: Greater Rune of Warding
6g Adamantite Weightstone
Plans: Adamantite Weightstone
24g Wildguard Breastplate
Plans: Wildguard Breastplate
24g Wildguard Helm
Plans: Wildguard Helm
24g Wildguard Leggings
Plans: Wildguard Leggings

Name From Mob
Copper Chain Vest
Plans: Copper Chain Vest
Random world drop from mobs at level 1-17. Chance to drop 0.1-1,8% or 1/1000-1/56.
Gemmed Copper Gauntlets
Plans: Gemmed Copper Gauntlets
Random world drop from mobs at level 1-21. Chance to drop 0.1-1.0% or 1/1000-1/100.
Runed Copper Breastplate
Plans: Runed Copper Breastplate
Random world drop from mobs at level 7-25. Chance to drop 0.1-0.9% or 1/1000-1/112.
Deadly Bronze Poniard
Plans: Deadly Bronze Poniard
Random world drop from mobs at level 11-31. Chance to drop 0.1-0.2% or 1/1000-1/500.
Silvered Bronze Shoulders
Plans: Silvered Bronze Shoulders
Random world drop from mobs at level 11-30. Chance to drop 0.1-1.8% or 1/1000-1/56.
Silvered Bronze Breastplate
Plans: Silvered Bronze Breastplate
Random world drop from mobs at level 11-31. Chance to drop 0.1-0.3% or 1/1000-1/334.
Iridescent Hammer
Plans: Iridescent Hammer
Random world drop from mobs at level 19-43. Chance to drop 0.1-0.3% or 1/1000-1/334.
Green Iron Boots
Plans: Green Iron Boots
Random world drop from mobs at level 15-37. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/30000-1/1000.
Mighty Iron Hammer
Plans: Mighty Iron Hammer
Random world drop from mobs at level 15-37. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/30000-1/1000.
Green Iron Gauntlets
Plans: Green Iron Gauntlets
Random world drop from mobs at level 15-45. Chance to drop 0.1-0.2% or 1/1000-1/500.
Iron Shield Spike
Plans: Iron Shield Spike
Random world drop from mobs at level 19-36. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/30000-1/1000.
Silvered Bronze Leggings
Plans: Silvered Bronze Leggings
Random world drop from mobs at level 18-43. Chance to drop 0.1-0.2% or 1/1000-1/500.
Green Iron Shoulders
Plans: Green Iron Shoulders
Random world drop from mobs at level 23-43. Chance to drop 0.1-0.2% or 1/1000-1/500.
Iron Counterweight
Plans: Iron Counterweight
Random world drop from mobs at level 23-43. Chance to drop 0.1-0.5% or 1/1000-1/200.
Golden Iron Destroyer
Plans: Golden Iron Destroyer
Random world drop from mobs at level 23-43. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/30000-1/500.
Golden Scale Leggings
Plans: Golden Scale Leggings
Random world drop from mobs at level 23-43. Chance to drop 0.1-0.3% or 1/1000-1/334.
Golden Scale Shoulders
Plans: Golden Scale Shoulders
Random world drop from mobs at level 24-50. Chance to drop 0.0% or 1/250000-1/3000.
Jade Serpentblade
Plans: Jade Serpentblade
Random world drop from mobs at level 23-43. Chance to drop 0.1-0.2% or 1/1000-1/500.
Polished Steel Boots
Plans: Polished Steel Boots
Random world drop from mobs at level 26-46. Chance to drop 0.1-0.6% or 1/1000-1/167.
Edge of Winter
Plans: Edge of Winter
Reward from the Winter Veil. Chance to drop 3% and 18% or 1/334 and 1/56. Ticking Present and Smokywood Pastures Special Gift
Searing Golden Blade
Plans: Searing Golden Blade
Random world drop from mobs at level 27-46. Chance to drop 0.0% or 1/350000-1/7000.
Steel Weapon Chain
Plans: Steel Weapon Chain
Random world drop from mobs at level 32-45. Chance to drop 0.1-0.7% or 1/1000-1/143.
Golden Scale Cuirass
Plans: Golden Scale Cuirass
Random world drop from mobs at level 26-47. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/35000-1/1000.
Frost Tiger Blade
Plans: Frost Tiger Blade
Random world drop from mobs at level 26-47. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/30000-1/1000.
Golden Scale Boots
Plans: Golden Scale Boots
Random world drop from mobs at level 27-44. Chance to drop 0.0% or 1/250000-1/15000.
Shadow Crescent Axe
Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe
Random world drop from mobs at level 26-46. Chance to drop 0.1-0.5% or 1/1000-1/200.
Heavy Mithril Pants
Plans: Heavy Mithril Pants
Random world drop from mobs at level 30-52. Chance to drop 0.1-0.2% or 1/1000-1/500.
Mithril Shield Spike
Plans: Mithril Shield Spike
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world + Onyxia. Chance to drop 0.5-7.0% or 1/200-1/15.
Blue Glittering Axe
Plans: Blue Glittering Axe
Random world drop from mobs at level 32-52. Chance to drop 0.0% or 1/2000-1/30000.
Wicked Mithril Blade
Plans: Wicked Mithril Blade
Random world drop from mobs at level 30-52. Chance to drop 0.1-0.3% or 1/1000-1/334.
Mithril Scale Shoulders
Plans: Mithril Scale Shoulders
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world + Onyxia. Chance to drop 0.1-4.0% or 1/1000-1/25.
Mithril Spurs
Plans: Mithril Spurs
Random world drop from mobs at level 38-56. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/20000-1/1000.
Dazzling Mithril Rapier
Plans: Dazzling Mithril Rapier
Random world drop from mobs at level 38-57. Chance to drop 0.1-0.9% or 1/1000-1/112.
Heavy Mithril Helm
Plans: Heavy Mithril Helm
Random world drop from mobs at level 36-58. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/25000-1/1000.
Runed Mithril Hammer
Plans: Runed Mithril Hammer
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world + Onyxia. Chance to drop 0.4-5.0% or 1/250-1/20.
Radiant Belt
Plans: Radiant Belt
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world + Onyxia. Chance to drop 0.3-5.0% or 1/334-1/20.
Dark Iron Pulverizer
Plans: Dark Iron Pulverizer
Drops from Grizzle, Blackrock Depths. Chance to drop 86% or 1/1,16.
Wildthorn Mail
Plans: Wildthorn Mail
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world. Chance to drop 0.1-12% or 1/1000-1/9.
Dark Iron Mail
Plans: Dark Iron Mail
Drops from Blacksmithing Plans, Blackrock Depths and Stratholme. Chance to drop 30.0% or 1/3,34.
Radiant Breastplate
Plans: Radiant Breastplate
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world. Chance to drop 0.1-5.0% or 1/1000-1/25.
Dark Iron Sunderer
Plans: Dark Iron Sunderer
Drops from Hammered Patron and Ribbly's Crony, Blackrock Depths. Chance to drop 3.0% or 1/34.
Thorium Shield Spike
Plans: Thorium Shield Spike
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world. Chance to drop 0.2-5.0% or 1/500-1/20.
Dark Iron Shoulders
Plans: Dark Iron Shoulders
Drops from Blacksmithing Plans, Blackrock Depths and Stratholme. Chance to drop 13.0% or 1/8.
Dark Iron Plate
Plans: Dark Iron Plate
Drops from Ribbly Screwspigot. Chance to drop 22% or 1/5.
Radiant Gloves
Plans: Radiant Gloves
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world. Chance to drop 0.1-4.0% or 1/1000-1/25.
Plans: Serenity
Drops from Blacksmithing Plans, Blackrock Depths and Stratholme. Chance to drop 29.0% or 1/3.5.
Dawnbringer Shoulders
Plans: Dawnbringer Shoulders
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world. Chance to drop 0.2-6.0% or 1/500-1/17.
Radiant Boots
Plans: Radiant Boots
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world. Chance to drop 0.1-5.0% or 1/1000-1/20.
Plans: Corruption
Drops from Blacksmithing Plans, Blackrock Depths and Stratholme. Chance to drop 28.0% or 1/3.6.
Volcanic Hammer
Plans: Volcanic Hammer
Drops from Volchan, Searing Gorge. Chance to drop 73.0% or 1/1.4.
Radiant Circlet
Plans: Radiant Circlet
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world. Chance to drop 0.2-2.0% or 1/500-1/50.
Elemental Sharpening Stone
Plans: Elemental Sharpening Stone
Boss drop from Molten Core. Chance to drop 0.2-3.0% or 1/500-1/34. In a full run there is a 8.2% or 1/12,2 this will drop.
Black Grasp of the Destroyer
Plans: Black Grasp of the Destroyer
Moam, Ahn'Qiraj. Chance to drop 13.0% or 1/7.7.
Invulnerable Mail
Plans: Invulnerable Mail
Drops from a few high level mobs such as the world dragons and some original endgame content. Chance to drop 0.1-1.8% or 1/1000-1/56.
Lionheart Helm
Plans: Lionheart Helm
Drops from Azuregos, Nefarian, Taerar, Lethon, Ysondre, Onyxia and Stone Guardian. Chance to drop 0.1-0.7% or 1/1000-1/143.
Plans: Persuader
Drops from Azuregos, Ysondre, Onyxia and Thuzadin Nacromancer. Chance to drop 0.1-0.5% or 1/1000-1/200.
Plans: Sageblade
Drops from Taerar, Ysondre and Azuregos. Chance to drop 0.2-9.0% or 1/500-1/11.
Stronghold Gauntlets
Plans: Stronghold Gauntlets
Drops from Emeriss, Azuregos, Ysondre, Nefarian and low drop rate on some trash mobs from level 60 instances. Chance to drop 0.4-7.0% or 1/250-1/14.3.
Thick Obsidian Breastplate
Plans: Thick Obsidian Breastplate
Drops from The Prophet Skeram, Temple of Ahn'Quiraj. Chance to drop 8.0% or 1/13.
Titanic Leggings
Plans: Titanic Leggings
Drops from Taerar, Azuregos, Ysondre and Nefarian. Chance to drop 0.4-2.0% or 1/250-1/50.
Plans: Annihilator
Drops from Quartermaster Zigris, Blackrock Spire. Chance to drop 9.0% or 1/12.
Arcanite Champion
Plans: Arcanite Champion
Drops from Goraluk Anvilcrack, Blackrock Spire. Chance to drop 7.0% or 1/15.
Arcanite Reaper
Plans: Arcanite Reaper
Drops from Bannok Grimaxe, Blackrock Spire. Chance to drop 6.0% or 1/17.
Darkrune Breastplate
Plans: Darkrune Breastplate
Drops from Decoded True Believer Clipplings. Chance to drop 5.0% or 1/20. The item is obtained by turning in 10xDecoded True Believer Clipplings to Hermit Ortell, Silithus
Darkrune Gauntlets
Plans: Darkrune Gauntlets
Drops from Decoded True Believer Clipplings. Chance to drop 3.0% or 1/34. The item is obtained by turning in 10xDecoded True Believer Clipplings to Hermit Ortell, Silithus.
Darkrune Helm
Plans: Darkrune Helm
Drops from Decoded True Believer Clipplings. Chance to drop 5.0% or 1/20. The item is obtained by turning in 10xDecoded True Believer Clipplings to Hermit Ortell, Silithus.
Plans: Frostguard
Drops from Foreman Marcid, Western Plaguelands. Chance to drop 98.0%.
Hammer of the Titans
Plans: Hammer of the Titans
Drops from Maleki the Pallid, Stratholme. 8.0% or 1/13.
Plans: Heartseeker
Cannon Master Willey. Chance to drop 7.0% or 1/15.
Helm of the Great Chief
Plans: Helm of the Great Chief
Drops form Azuregos, Taerar, Lethon, Ysondre, Onyxia and Venom Belcher. Chance to drop 0.2-0.8% or 1/500-1/125.
Masterwork Stormhammer
Plans: Masterwork Stormhammer
Drops from Goraluk Anvilcrack, Blackrock Spire. Chance to drop 4.0% or 1/25.
Whitesoul Helm
Plans: Whitesoul Helm
Drops from Azuregos, Lethon, Emeriss, Nefarian, Ysondre and Onyxia . Chance to drop 0.2-1.7% or 1/500-1/59.
Radiant Leggings
Plans: Radiant Leggings
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world. Chance to drop 0.1-4.0% or 1/1000-1/25.
Runic Plate Boots
Plans: Runic Plate Boots
Drops from Scarlet Cavalier, Western Plaguelands. Chance to drop 1.3% or 1/77.
Runic Plate Leggings
Plans: Runic Plate Leggings
Drops from Scarlet Smith. Chance to drop 97.0% or 1/1.03.
Runic Plate Shoulders
Plans: Runic Plate Shoulders
Drops from Strashaz Serpent Guard, Dustwallow Marsh. Chance to drop 1.0% or 1/100.
Thorium Leggings
Plans: Thorium Leggings
Drops primarly from the world dragons of the old world. Chance to drop 0.1-3.0% or 1/1000-1/34.
Adamantite Weapon Chain
Plans: Adamantite Weapon Chain
Drops from Kaelthas Sunstrider and high level end BC content. Chance to drop 0.1-0.4% or 1/1000-1/250.
Felsteel Gloves
Plans: Felsteel Gloves
Drops from Auchenai Monk, Auchenai Crypts. Chance to drop 1.5% or 1/67.
Felsteel Leggings
Plans: Felsteel Leggings
Drops from Unchained Doombringer, The Arcatraz. Chance to drop 14.0% or 1/8.
Khorium Belt
Plans: Khorium Belt
Drops from Murkblood Raider, Nagrand. Chance to drop 0.2% or 1/500.
Khorium Pants
Plans: Khorium Pants
Drops from Deathforge Guardian, Shadowmoon Valley. Chance to drop 0.2% or 1/500.
Black Felsteel Bracers
Plans: Black Felsteel Bracers
Random world drop from mobs at level 59-72. Chance to drop 0.0% or 1/500000-1/4000.
Blessed Bracers
Plans: Blessed Bracers
Random world drop from mobs at level 57-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.0% or 1/1000000-1/3000.
Bracers of the Green Fortress
Plans: Bracers of the Green Fortress
Random world drop from mobs at level 60-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.0% or 1/1000000-1/5000.
Plans: Dirge
Random world drop from mobs at level 61-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/500000-1/1000.
Eternium Runed Blade
Plans: Eternium Runed Blade
Random world drop from mobs at level 56-77. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/1000000-1/1000.
Fel Edged Battleaxe
Plans: Fel Edged Battleaxe
Random world drop from mobs at level 57-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/1000000-1/1000.
Fel Hardened Maul
Plans: Fel Hardened Maul
Random world drop from mobs at level 59-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/500000-1/1000.
Fel Fury Gauntlets
Plans: Fel Fury Gauntlets
Random world drop from mobs at level 58-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.0% or 1/1000000-1/5000.
Felsteel Longblade
Plans: Felsteel Longblade
Random world drop from mobs at level 57-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/500000-1/1000.
Felsteel Reaper
Plans: Felsteel Reaper
Random world drop from mobs at level 60-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.0% or 1/800000-1/3000.
Gauntlets of the Iron Tower
Plans: Gauntlets of the Iron Tower
Random world drop from mobs at level 7-25. Chance to drop 0.1-0.2% or 1/1000-1/500.
Fel Strength Elixir
Plans: Fel Strength Elixir
Random world drop from mobs at level 62-??. Highest drop rate is from Doomwalker this mob is not recommended to kill though as you will need a group. It has 1600k health. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/500000-1/1000.
Hammer of Righteous Might
Plans: Hammer of Righteous Might
Random world drop from mobs at level 56-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.0% or 1/1000000-1/3000.
Hand of Eternity
Plans: Hand of Eternity
Random world drop from mobs at level 57-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/1000000-1/1000.
Helm of the Stalwart Defender
Plans: Helm of the Stalwart Defender
Random world drop from mobs at level 60-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.0% or 1/1000000-1/2500.
Khorium Champion
Plans: Khorium Champion
Random world drop from mobs at level 61-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.0% or 1/1000000-1/2500.
Oathkeeper's Helm
Plans: Oathkeeper's Helm
Random world drop from mobs at level 58-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.0% or 1/1000000-1/5000.
Runic Hammer
Plans: Runic Hammer
Random world drop from mobs at level 56-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.0% or 1/1000000-1/5000.
Steelgrip Gauntlets
Plans: Steelgrip Gauntlets
Random world drop from mobs at level 57-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/850000-1/1000.
Storm Helm
Plans: Storm Helm
Random world drop from mobs at level 58-72. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/1000000-1/1000.
Felsteel Helm
Plans: Felsteel Helm
Drops from Cabal Fanatic, Shadow Labyrinth. Chance to drop 1.1% or 1/90.
Khorium Boots
Plans: Khorium Boots
Drops from Disembodied Protectorm, Netherstorm. Chance to drop 0.3% or 1/34.
Ragesteel Gloves
Plans: Ragesteel Gloves
Drops from Boulderfist Warrior, Nagrand. Chance to drop 0.1% or 1/1000.
Ragesteel Helm
Plans: Ragesteel Helm
Drops from Anger Guard, Enraged Air Spirit and Enraged Fire Spirit, Shadowmoon Valley. Chance to drop 0.0-0.2% or 1/62500-1/500.
Ragesteel Shoulders
Plans: Ragesteel Shoulders
Drops from Enraged Earth Spirit, Enraged Water Spirit, Enraged Air Spirit and Enraged Fire Spirit, Shadowmoon Valley. Chance to drop 0.0-0.1% or 1/4000-1/1000.
Hard Khorium Battlefists
Plans: Hard Khorium Battlefists
Zone Drop Sunwell Plateau. Chance to drop 0.1-6.0% or 1/1000-1/17.
Hard Khorium Battleplate
Plans: Hard Khorium Battleplate
Zone Drop Sunwell Plateau. Chance to drop 0.1-0.4% or 1/1000-1/250.
Sunblessed Breastplate
Plans: Sunblessed Breastplate
Zone Drop Sunwell Plateau. Chance to drop 0.1-0.3% or 1/1000-1/334.
Sunblessed Gauntlets
Plans: Sunblessed Gauntlets
Zone Drop Sunwell Plateau. Chance to drop 0.1-0.3% or 1/1000-1/334.
Earthpeace Breastplate
Plans: Earthpeace Breastplate
Drops from High Botanist Freywinn, The Botanica. Chance to drop 3.0% or 1/34.
Ragesteel Breastplate
Plans: Ragesteel Breastplate
Drops from Ashtongue Warrior, Crazed Murkblood Miner and Crazed Murkblood Foreman, Shadowmoon Valley. Chance to drop 0.0-0.3% or 1/2500-1/334.
Swiftsteel Gloves
Plans: Swiftsteel Gloves
Drops from Nexus Stalker, Mana-Tombs. Chance to drop 1.0% or 1/100.
Greater Ward of Shielding
Plans: Greater Ward of Shielding
Drops from Sunfury Bloodwarder, Netherstorm. Chance to drop 0.1% or 1/1000.
Belt of the Guardian
Plans: Belt of the Guardian
Zone drop Serpenshrine Cavern. Chance to drop 0.1-2.0% or 1/1000-1/50.
Boots of the Protector
Plans: Boots of the Protector
Zone drop Serpenshrine Cavern. Chance to drop 0.1-1.6% or 1/1000-1/63.
Dawnsteel Bracers
Plans: Dawnsteel Bracers
Zone drop Black Temple. Chance to drop 0.1-3.0% or 1/1000-1/34.
Dawnsteel Shoulders
Plans: Dawnsteel Shoulders
Zone drop Hyjal Summit and Black Temple. Chance to drop 0.1-0.6% or 1/1000-1/167.
Red Belt of Battle
Plans: Red Belt of Battle
Zone drop Serpenshrine Cavern. Chance to drop 0.1-1.8% or 1/1000-1/56.
Red Havoc Boots
Plans: Red Havoc Boots
Zone drop Serpenshrine Cavern. Chance to drop 0.1-1.4% or 1/1000-1/72.
Swiftsteel Bracers
Plans: Swiftsteel Bracers
Zone drop Hyjal Summit and Black Temple. Chance to drop 0.1-0.8% or 1/1000-1/125.
Swiftsteel Shoulders
Plans: Swiftsteel Shoulders
Zone drop Black Temple. Chance to drop 0.1-1.8% or 1/1000-1/56.
Reinforced Cobalt Shoulders
Plans: Reinforced Cobalt Shoulders
Drops from Onslaught Mason, Dragonblight. Chance to drop 0.7% or 1/143.
Reinforced Cobalt Helm
Plans: Reinforced Cobalt Helm
Drops from Iron Rune-Shaper, Grizzly Hills. Chance to drop 0.6% or 1/1000-1/167.
Reinforced Cobalt Legplates
Plans: Reinforced Cobalt Legplates
Drops from Gundrak Savage, Zul'Drak. Chance to drop 1.6% or 1/63.
Reinforced Cobalt Chestpiece
Plans: Reinforced Cobalt Chestpiece
Drops from Venture Co. Excavator, Scholazar Basin. Chance to drop 0.6% or 1/167.

Quest Item
Name Quest
Heavy Copper Longsword
Plans: Heavy Copper Longsword
Supplying the Front
Ironforge Breastplate
Plans: Ironforge Breastplate
Gearing Redridge
Barbaric Iron Breastplate
Plans: Barbaric Iron Breastplate
Barbaric Battlements
Barbaric Iron Shoulders
Plans: Barbaric Iron Shoulders
On Iron Pauldrons
Barbaric Iron Helm
Plans: Barbaric Iron Helm
Horns of Frenzy
Barbaric Iron Boots
Plans: Barbaric Iron Boots
Trampled Under Foot
Barbaric Iron Gloves
Plans: Barbaric Iron Gloves
Joys of Omosh
Golden Scale Gauntlets
Plans: Golden Scale Gauntlets
The Origin of Smithing
Ornate Mithril Gloves
Plans: Ornate Mithril Gloves
The Great Silver Deceiver
Ornate Mithril Pants
Plans: Ornate Mithril Pants
Smelt On, Smelt Off
Ornate Mithril Shoulders
Plans: Ornate Mithril Shoulders
The Art of the Imbue
Imperial Plate Belt
Plans: Ornate Mithril Gloves
Imperial Plate Belt
Imperial Plate Shoulders
Plans: Imperial Plate Shoulders
Imperial Plate Shoulders
Imperial Plate Bracers
Plans: Imperial Plate Bracers
Imperial Plate Bracers
Dawn's Edge
Plans: Dawn's Edge
Snakestone of the Shadow Huntress
Blazing Rapier
Plans: Blazing Rapier
Enchanted Battlehammer
Plans: Enchanted Battlehammer
Sweet Sarenity
Demon Forged Breastplate
Plans: Demon Forged Breastplate
The Demon Forge
Imperial Plate Boots
Plans: Imperial Plate Boots
Imperial Plate Boots
Imperial Plate Helm
Plans: Imperial Plate Helm
Imperial Plate Helm
Enchanted Thorium Breastplate
Plans: Enchanted Thorium Breastplate
Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume I
Enchanted Thorium Helm
Plans: Enchanted Thorium Helm
Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume III
Enchanted Thorium Leggings
Plans: Enchanted Thorium Leggings
Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume II
Imperial Plate Chest
Plans: Imperial Plate Chest
Imperial Plate Chest
Imperial Plate Leggings
Plans: Imperial Plate Leggings
Imperial Plate Leggings
Sulfuron Hammer
Plans: Sulfuron Hammer
A Binding Contract
Orcish War Leggings The Old Ways
Ornate Mithril Breastplate The Mithril Kid
Ornate Mithril Boots The World At Your Feet
Ornate Mithril Helm A Good Head On Your Shoulders

Name Information
Inlaid Mithril Cylinder
Recipe: Inlaid Mithril Cylinder
Created by Engineers
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